
Pings Lair

Pings Lair is the name for my Indie Game Development Studio. Originally it was where "Ping of Death" (my gamer tag) used to hang out when not playing games. "Ping of Death" and the "Pings Lair" logos have been around for a very long time and were used as avatars in many different games and on many game sites. Often copied by other gamers "Ping of Death" is now all over the internet. But while others were copying my "Ping of Death" gamer tag, I was busy designing and developing my first Indie game. I always joked I would some day create a game development studio and call it "Pings Lair". Well that day finally came. After creating 3 games and sharing them with friends, I finally decided to take the plunge and start marketing my games under Pings Lair. And thus was born Pings Lair. My first three games are 2d, Arcade, Action style games. The first two (Batty Bat, Spooky) have Halloween themes and the third (Outbreak) was created as a distraction from the craziness we are all living in. All three games have been released for free on Itch.io. This website was created to highlight what's going on at Pings Lair. We also have a discord server and a YouTube channel, where we will be sharing Devlog and training videos as well as code related to our games.